Health insurance as a way to protect patients' rights in the State of proper treatment and protection of their health, has its roots back centuries. It has long been in bad faith healers and swindlers of healing applied harsh penalties. Physicians that do not have the required skills and knowledge, not only deprived of their right to practice medicine, but fell into the harsh law of millstones.
In Russia, since 1993, health insurance exists in two forms: compulsory and voluntary. Compulsory health insurance is peculiar to countries with a socially oriented market economy and is part of the social insurance state. Voluntary is a separate type of insurance that serves as a supplement to the compulsory.
Health Insurance: Legislation
The legal basis for protecting public health and medical insurance in Russia is, first of all, the Constitution, declaring the right of every citizen for health care (Article 41). In addition, there are a number of laws aimed at protecting public health, namely:
- Law on Health Insurance in the Russian Federation, adopted in 1991 (as amended in 1993);
- Law on psychiatric care and the rights of citizens in its conduct (1992);
- Basics of the legislation on the protection of public health (1993);
- Measures to prevent the spread of diseases caused by HIV (1995).
In the same acts and the legal framework adopted in the 1995 Russian presidential decree "On guarantees of rights to health care in the dissemination of advertising."
Health insurance and its types
Insurance services in Russia are developing translational rate. Most Russians already know what the compulsory health insurance (MHI), and even own the policy. In this case, not all have complete information on voluntary health insurance and its benefits. Both of these species with an apparent similarity have a lot of differences.
Compulsory medical insurance - a state-guaranteed package of material security of citizens and their families in case of illness, disability, old age, the health of mothers with children, etc.
Voluntary health insurance is conducted on the basis of the contract, the order of detention and general conditions which are set by the insurance company on their own - but under the provisions of the Law "On Insurance". It should be borne in mind that individual contracts with the nuances of different insurers can vary.
Voluntary health insurance provides payment for medical services related directly to treatment. Moreover, the program offers a variety of insured - to choose from. Some of them require medical insurance in case of persistent and temporary disability or the need for rehabilitation and some offers may even include such items as payment for sports and recreation services, and introduction to a healthy lifestyle.
Health Insurance: Pros and Cons
Compulsory health insurance has a number of positive points for citizens, such as:
- Access to health care, not only in the place of permanent residence, but on the whole territory of Russia;
- Work citizens are secured by a policy of compulsory health insurance since the signing of an employment contract with them. And it's not just words, and rule of law, guaranteed by the Government, which put into practice, governments, NGOs, local administration, worker councils of enterprises.
The disadvantage of mandatory health insurance is that it covers not all types of therapeutic and preventive medical services, which may be necessary for the citizen.
Voluntary health insurance has its advantages. One of the most enjoyable of them - this is freedom of choice. Insured is self-insurance program and selects the medical facilities of the proposed. The insurer advises on all issues, but the final say in the choice remains the same for all insured.
An important nuance can be considered and time savings, which provides voluntary medical insurance. No need to search for a decent health facility or pushing in the queues outside the door medical cabinet. The policy holder to open the door the most popular health clinics listed in a specific insurance program.
Voluntary health insurance and requires a substantial monetary savings: policy holder is appointed by unnecessary treatment and will not pull out of him more money. Policyholder who has paid the policy for the entire period of its validity, safe from the increase of tariffs for medical services.
Another positive point is the high quality of services for voluntary health insurance, which is constantly supervised by experts from the company-insurer. And if the points of contention do arise - the insurance company is always on guard of your interests